Landlords are you ready for the new NI registration scheme?
From April 1 2019, The Northern Ireland Landlord Registration Scheme collects and maintains accurate information on landlords and their properties.

By law, all private landlords in Northern Ireland must register with the Landlord Registration Scheme.
Any landlord in Northern Ireland who rents out a property will have to register his or her details and the details of each rental property. If you rent a room in your home to a lodger, you won’t need to register as long as the person renting the room is a licensee rather than a tenant. Anyone named as owner on the deeds of a rental property must register. If you own the property jointly, both you and your co-owner need to register, but only one person will need to pay the registration fee.
For more information please visit NI Direct.
Now is the time to review your landlord insurance and ensure you are fully covered.
Chat to our landlord insurance team at Find Insurance NI, our specialists can arrange a policy that suits both you and your tenants in line with the new HMO rules and obligations in Northern Ireland.
Contact us today by calling FREEPHONE 0800 012 6367.